Who needs that much information about cookware?
A long time ago it got to the point where I knew I could never read or be bothered to sift through and delete this excess mail. (As for actually removing myself from the mailing lists, that is headache inducing before I even begin.)
However, one newsletter I actually remember signing up for is Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP: Nourish the inner aspect.
If you're not a big reader but like a laugh I suggest you sign up too. These emails arrive weekly, advising me on what I should make, go, get, do, be and see. I now know to stay at the Ritz when I'm in Paris and I have learnt how to shuck an oyster exactly as Gwyneth does.
GP has been mocked up and down the information superhighway for these newsletters and the website that goes along with them. I, however, derive great enjoyment from reading them. I don't know if it's the enjoyment that Gwyneth was anticipating; I'm not nodding sagely at her advice and running out to 'stick to my exercise regime' (WHATEVER Gwynnie). But I'm drinking Havana Club through a Tim Tam and smirking so much I think at least my facial muscles are getting a work-out.